It’s Time to Add YOU to Your Priority List


As a go-getter,

You are incredible and great at everything you set out to do. I SEE YOU! Girl, you are amazing!

But your day is FULL — From the moment you wake up until you collapse in bed at night (with full makeup still on!!!).

Dashing from one task to another. Scarfing down your lunch in front of your computer on in your car— I've so been there!

*Plenty* of afternoon sugary pick-me-ups.

A not-so-healthy dose of stress and anxiety

And all those crazy (peri)menopause symptoms that no one told you about (extra weight, lack of concentration, hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, etc…)

And what you really want is… 

  • To fit into your favorite pair of jeans and look and feel fabulous

  • A specific eating and wellness plan to follow (with accountability to stick to it)

  • That you can actually sustain.

  • Just *one* day where you don’t feel totally overwhelmed, anxious or exhausted

  • (that makes all of us!)

  • And healthy in your body


Deep down, you know that there must be a different way.

And you are right, there is! 

You can truly get what you want, feel freaking amazing in your body, be happy, kill it at work and be really present in your life (after 40 and beyond).

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Hi, I’m Nurit — and I believe that it’s time to reclaim your health, reclaim your body, reclaim your life.

Sure, I’m a little biased…

Because health and wellness have been an integral part of my life for a long time! 

I grew up eating home-cooked meals made from scratch and having family dinners every day.

But that didn't take away from me feeling chubby, not matching the images of the models in the magazines, not really the prettiest in my family, and with a slow metabolism...


...which led me to compensate by overexercising (aerobics, weights, dance --- yep! about 16-20 hours per week)

and trying every single trendy diet there was out there (and being afraid of fat— how little did I know how important healthy fats are to our bodies).

I became really passionate about nutrition and I loved delicious natural food, so I ended up studying a BSc In Food Technology and a MSc in Food Science.

After my Masters I joined a company where I could clean all the ingredients from all artificial additives and work on developing natural food for years — taking me to incredible places like Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and London.

Fast forward to a few decades later, I was traveling a ton for work, having a family, going through a lot of stress, getting older and—

I started to feel completely out of whack in my body (and having to wear the flowy tops to cover the muffin top- ugh!)

I was trying to hold the world together on my own while sacrificing my own balance, health, and happiness.


And I knew deep within myself that I could not continue this way.


So I did the unimaginable... I took a three-day break on my own, which was life-changing.

It allowed me to get back in touch with myself and what I wanted out of my life — I realized that whilst trying to do everything and leaving myself last, I was just going through the motions and my life was passing me by.

The changes I made afterwards (including joining the Institute for Integrative Nutrition) helped me become a better and happier mom, wife and professional (yes, even after 40):

  • And could wear beautiful clothes to show off my body again.

  • I joined a new company and got promoted to a Global role within 2 months.

  • With my husband and kids and really got to enjoy the time I spend with them (instead of thinking of that email that I hadn't sent out).

  • And I could concentrate and bring my ideas to the table to really make an impact.

  • And was able to show up fully in my life (and balance those hormones along the way).



And I can help you!

I will show you the exact steps I used to help me and dozens of clients achieve the results they desired. Together we will navigate your way to a happier, healthier, and thriving life — because we shouldn’t have to check out of our lives to check into our bodies.



It’s time to prioritize you

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Professional Bio

I'm Nurit Raich, a Holistic Nutrition Coach & Food Scientist specializing in perimenopause, with a passion for using food as medicine and eating healthy in a practical way.

I bring my decades of experience designing menus and programming for A-list celebrities and global healthy food brands, with my training in nutrition and hormone health, plus my lifetime living as a high-achiever (I’m over 50) to help you elevate your well-being without sacrificing joy or flavor.

Having overcome burnout from a fast-paced career in Food Product Innovation with leading companies like Pret A Manger, Starbucks, and The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, I sought further training in nutrition coaching, hormone health, and mindfulness.

Through my guidance, 40+ women achieve their ideal weight, regain energy, improve their concentration, and find balance, enabling them to pursue their careers and dreams with renewed vitality.

Plus, did I mention making it simple and easy is my M.O.?

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Nurit has held multiple positions in Food Product Innovation throughout her successful career including Pret A Manger, Starbucks, Freshology, Pinkberry and The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.

Her work has taken her all over the world including London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, NY, Mexico City, San Francisco, Singapore, Malaysia and Los Angeles.


  • Hormone Health Certification, Institute for Integrative Nutrition (2019 - 2020)

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition (2019)

  • M. Sc. Food Science, Reading University (1996-1997)

  • B. Sc. Food Technology, Universidad Iberoamericana (1990-1996)




Let’s Do This!

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